Friday, November 21, 2008

Kenzie is Smiling!!!

Mom I'm trying!!

We are so excited. Kenzie had her first smile and now she never stops. She is so much fun to play with and interact with now. We love having her, she's the best thing ever.

This last week she had her first round of shots. Oh boy, even though I am a nurse and give immunizations everyday, it is completely different when it is your own child. I was so glad Steven was there so that he could be the one to see her eyes when they poked her. She barely even squealed though which made it a little easier. She's been doing fine since then. Below is a little video of Kenzie smiling.


Kiley said...

Super cute pics of Kenzie smiling! Where can I get some of those stylish diapers? Do they come in boy colors?

Michelle Price said...

Oh my gosh-she's so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I am on a plane right now to come and see her. I wish. Love you and miss you even more!

Scott and Jamie said...

Love the smiles! She is so cute... can't wait to meet her!

Gina said...

She is darling Kassie!!