I was doing the dishes today and heard Kenzie grunting and laughing in her room. She found a shirt out of her hamper and wanted to put it on but obviously thought it would be easier if put on from her legs. She didn't get too far though. She walked around like this for about 20 min. before she even wanted it off!!!

This is a pic of Steven and Kenzie having daddy/daughter toon time. She gets so excited when her daddy gets home from work she can hardly stand it. I was making dinner one night and came in to tell them that dinner was ready. This is what I found.

Valentine's Day this year was on a Sunday, I couldn't but help make a Valentine outfit for Kenzie. I found some fabric for 50cents per yard, so I just had to. I made this outfit with skirt, shirt accessory, and hair accessory for about 1 dollar. Can't beat that. She was very cute, the cutest valentine I know!!!

With in the last few months Kenzie has become obsessed with "pieee." Every time Steven or I would go she has to be in the bathroom with us, say Mommy "piee" or Daddy "piee" and then when she flushes she gets right up next to the seat and waves to the "piee" and says "bye bye." I decided to get a little toilet seat to go inside the toilet to see what she would do. She was so excited about it. Every time I put her on there she pees. It's crazy. Then one day I saw her started to give the "pooping face" and so I grabbed her and said, "let's go potty." and she sat on the toilet and pooped. I got so excited, gave her a little treat and she thought it was pretty cool. Well, last Sunday, she pooped 2 times that day in the toilet. She doesn't say anything, but you can see the face. Not quite sure if she knows what she is really doing, but I might try potty training soon, we'll see. It would be really nice if I only had 1 kid in diapers when this new one comes!!!

Kenzie is obsessed with her daddy's hats. Especially the NAPA ones. She demands for them to backwards at all times. I try to put them the right way, but she's not having it at all. I was cleaning one day and she found the swiffer duster handle. I caught her "cleaning" the toilet with it. Hope someday she's learn the realy way to clean toilets so I won't have to ha ha.
Awesome that she is going to the bathroom on the potty! I know you can do it and it seems like she might be ready. :)
Oh, and the whole shirt on her legs...funny!
I am crazy impressed that she has gone pee and poo on the big potty!!! Way to go mommy!
What a cutie!
So glad to see new pictures! Way to go Kass. Oh my, love the Valentine's outfit, great job! Ella does the same thing when watching tv on my bed, she puts the pillow down and hands on her chin. So cute. And WWHHAAAT?? Kenzie on the potty? Good for you for starting it early. Maybe she will be trained before the next girl arrives, how nice would that be? I'm still working on Cole talking... maybe in a year we'll try the potty training! Love ya and miss ya!
I am totally jealous of the potty thing. Tyler just likes to put wipes or toilet paper in the potty, enough to clog it...OY. Kenzie is a doll, I just want to drive to your house and hug on her. We miss you!!!!!
holy cow I can't believe she is going on the potty sometimes! that is crazy. i absolutely LOVE the outfit you made her--so crafty!! She is so adorable.
Lucky girl-she'll potty training herself. Adorable V-day outfit!
Awesome! I hope it works out good! Had an easy time with my Kenzie, but not too sure yet about Tripp! Girls just are easier in this area!
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