Saturday, March 21, 2009

I can sit up!!

We also got an exersaucer for Kenzie this weekend. Grandma Robbie has one and she loved it, so we decided to get one for her. I got one for such a good deal, so it was hard to pass up. She loves it and will stay in there for about and hour. That gives me some time to get some real things done for a change.

So on Kenzie's 6 month birthday this month she broke through 2 teeth and now a 3rd is on the way, and she sat up all by herself. It was a big day for her. She loves to sit up now. When I put her on her back she lifts her head off the floor and tries to sit up on her own until I will put her up. She feels like she is seeing a whole new part of the world now, she loves it.

1 comment:

Scott and Jamie said...

oh my goodness... can't believe she can sit up on her own! I think Cole is just too chunky his abs aren't strong enough!