This one he carved at the night of our annual pumpkin carving FHE night at the padres!!
This was at my parents trunk or treat
Kenzie actually let me put piggies in her hair at Michelle's party, what a miracle!!
Our little tiger lilly!! This time it was OK that Hook kidnapped her!!
So this Halloween season was awesome. My cousin Michelle always does a party and it is a blast with themed food and games. We all dressed up, even Uncle Mike!! Our family was Peter Pan characters. turned out pretty cute I think. Then the next weekend my parents ward does a really fun trunk or treat and a carnival. Kenzie had a blast and I dressed them up in warmer costumes that night, a bee and unicorn. Kenzie was so cute, she would walk up and hold her bucket out and say "treat" and then say "tant do" and walk to the next one. Sooo cute. We even went to some neighbors afterwards and she tried to get into a couple of their houses. She cracks me up. We even had my nephew Kade's 7th b-day party that night too, what a fun weekend. Kenzie was sad when it was all over, but still is asking for "nandy" every morning she wakes up. Shhhh...we're trying to make it last longer than 2 hours after Halloween is over which is how fast I ate my candy when I was younger.